A Lush of Second Chances

‘Right now, I am in love with my ex-boyfriend whom our relationship end up four years ago.’

Yeah. It’s a big and rush statement. Remember I’ve written a blog post last month that I don’t want to fall in love right now. But, here I am, enjoying the cuddling moments with the guy who broke my heart four years ago. 

Everything was not planned. I don’t know with him, but when we met up last week, a spark between us ignited and it became the lush of a new relationship, of a second chance. I’m still in doubt about this set up. I am unsure of what will happen in the next few days. I have established my goals in life before he came back. I am still looking and aiming for that to happen. Well, I should not think this seriously. I need to go on, but I don’t want to reverse the decision of having him again in my life.

Life can be so unexpected at times. It might give you surprises and even an opportunity to be linked in a wondrous luck.

He’s the last guy I’ve been in a relationship. I’m single for the last four years. I broke up with him because I had enough of his lies and disloyalty. We did not reach a year of our relationship before, we’ve shared the 7 months of being together in a long distance relationship. Now, four years later, we meet again. This unfortunate event in my life has given me the chance to look back on what had happened. I am currently in the midst of my existence. I should be matured enough in handling this precaution. I should be careful. Or rather, I should be enjoying everything.

We decided to keep it in private especially to avoid issues and judgments from other people. I think it’s a good idea. It has been more than a week since we started everything. I think we’re cool. We’ve already exchange the three little words, ‘I LOVE YOU’. Every night, he never failed to put a smile in my face. I think it’s too early for this, but let me share this with you, ‘I’M REALLY GLAD THAT HE CAME BACK’.

Everything happens for a reason. Last night, I was merrily thinking about why I’ve put myself into this situation. Right now, I am writing this entry to finally realize that I am in control. I should give this a try and say, ‘Why not?’.

Soon, we will separate our ways and start the journey of being a way from each other because this is another long distance relationship. Not that I want to keep him near, but yeah, we will really be away from each other literally. Love will just bind us if we’re really meant for each other.

‘I love you for this second chance. Thank you for coming again baby. I didn’t expect this to happen. Please take good care of my heart. Be honest all the time and that’s all I wanted from you. I love you so much.’


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